Linger - Searching for the creative collective

LINGER is a songwriter’s project, started by Tomas Juto and Tony Lind, brothers with plenty experience of working with various bands and artists.

Tomas Juto: “For years we have been part of a crowd of creative people who are all friends, and often collaborate on each other’s projects, albums and live performances. But we would love to expand that circle of friends even more, develop new partnerships, and collaborate with different people. Write songs for other artists, arrange concerts and mini festivals together, appear in each other’s videos, and in general build a network of support, ideas and creativity.”

Tony Lind: “The world of artists and musicians is so diverse and sprawling anyway, so what could be more fun than just mixing it all up? In a time when politicians and demagogues try to divide us and build walls between us, artists and creators can set an example by refusing to view each other as ‘the Competition’, but rather a huge resource we can all take part in and share. Maybe that sounds a bit hippie-ish, but we don’t give a shit. We just want to be creative, free and inspired.”

”While we were writing the songs for this album, our father was diagnosed with cancer, and within a month of being diagnosed, he was gone. Though he never had the chance to hear these songs, those final weeks we spent with him definitely left their mark on our writing. We took the name LINGER from a line in Spike Lee’s ’25th hour’: “I haven't had a drink in two years, but I'll have one with you, one last whisky with my boy. Take our time with it, taste the barley, let it linger. And then I'll go.”

This music is our last drink with our dad, and we dedicate it to his memory.”